Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015 - No comments

Answered Prayers and life changing decisions

Life thew me a curve ball a few weeks ago... A man named Blare Parker blew into my life, and nothing has been the same since. (In a totally good way) A few months ago, I was dealing with a crap load of emotions after another guy disappeared out of my life for no reason. I was hurt, lonely and very discouraged. Instead of blasting my feeling out on social media or blogging about them (as is typical Amanda fashion) I took to my knees and began praying for the strength to change. I also started praying that I could be the kind of person that my Heavenly Father wanted me to be, and most importantly I prayed hard that Heavenly Father would send me someone to help ease my pain.

I won't lie to you, it was the hardest thing I've had to do, to turn everything over to a higher power and just let things "Be" for a while. But, I found as I worried about finding someone less, my heart was calmed and a peacefulness settled into my heart. After a few weeks of praying daily for this, I knew that someone special was just waiting for me.

That special someone entered my life a few days later, and we both fell head over heels in love with one another. I know it sounds very cliche, but I truly believe that Blare is my soul mate, and I his. I knew within a few days of first meeting him and his family, that this would be the man that I would marry and spend the rest of my life with. He felt the same way and we were engaged and quickly married within a few months of meeting one another.

I plan on continuing to write on this blog, as we settle into being a blended family. I hope that each of you continue to read and follow along in our journey.

And Blare husband!!
Pure Happiness

On our Wedding Day