Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015 - No comments

Learning to relax

B has been bugging me, ever since the weather has warmed up, to take her to beach. She wasn't very specific as to where or what beach we went, she just wanted to spend the day playing in the sand and water. Well this weekend, it happened that I was off for an entire Saturday, so we loaded up the bug and headed up to Mantua to relax.
Testing out the water
I won't lie, usually I am the type of person who has to be doing something at all time. Work, housework, homework, texting, get the picture, so I wasn't too entirely thrilled at the thought of just sitting in the sun relaxing.

It took me about 20 minutes to finally relax, put my phone away and just enjoy the moment. I don't think I have fully relaxed since my divorce. Being a single parent is one of the toughest things I've ever done. (and I've done a lot of tough stuff). I don't give myself time to fully unwind, because there is always something that needs my attention. I don't have that other person to help take up the slack when I need it.

I also have let my fears rule my life for a while now. I have this fear of losing B, so it has made me hyper aware of where she's at and what's she's doing at all times. But this day, I put all those fears aside, and just let her be carefree and young.

Building a sandcastle
No More Pictures Mom!
We stayed and played for over 5 hours. By the time we left, I felt relaxed, recharged and ready to face the world again. I think I may have found my new happy place.